Week 2

We’ve had a great first full week of school! Here’s what we did:

We learned about Jane Goodall, the famous scientist who studied chimpanzees. Her picture is on our wall, and if students have something important to share that might not be the best to tell a friend, they can talk to “Ms. Jane” instead.

We spent time getting to know each other and ourselves. We read books about how we’re all different but still belong together. We also talked about kindness and read a book on how to fill our buckets and the buckets of others with good deeds.

The students worked on self-portraits. Once we have family pictures from everyone, we’ll start our class book, “All About Me,” so the children can learn about each other’s families.

We started learning “Secret Stories” about the alphabet and began writing in our journals every day, practicing the secrets we learned and sharing our thoughts.

In math, we played dice games and practiced counting to 100 by tens. The kids had a lot of fun with numbers this week!

On Wednesday, we made playdough! The students measured the ingredients and chose their colors. It was great to hear them explain how mixing colors like red and blue makes purple. They used the playdough in Greek class to learn their Greek names and took some home.

The kids have also been really enjoying putting on puppet shows. They created a whole theater, complete with drinks and snacks, and took turns performing their puppet shows. It’s been a wonderful way for them to express their creativity and work together.

During free choice time, students built marble runs with pool noodles and blocks, made playdough food, and got creative with the projector and painting.

Enjoy the long weekend! It’s going to be an amazing year!

Ms Ela