Week 30

Eggciting News and Classroom Updates!

What an amazing week we’ve had in our classroom! As you may have heard, we have started the exciting process of hatching eggs. I brought in a dozen fertilized eggs from Hepzibah Farm this week, and after closely inspecting them, we discovered a stunning range of differences. Each egg is different in terms of color, size, shape, and weight. Ask your child what colors some of our eggs were.

Throughout our exploration, we learned that the outside part of an egg is the shell and that it has numerous pores on its surface. Each student had the opportunity to name their egg before carefully placing it in the incubator.

Did you know there are more than 500 different types of chickens? We also discovered that a chicken only lays one egg each day and that chicken eggs hatch after about 21 days. To guarantee a successful hatch, we keep the eggs warm and turn them at least three times a day, in the incubator, to keep the embryo from sticking to the shell.

Next week will be even more eggciting as we explore the inside of an egg and do some egg-citing activities together. We’ll keep you updated on our hatching adventure every step of the way!

In other news, over spring break, I put my building skills to the test and with some help from my husband build a new easel for our class.

A big thank you to Ms. Maria for her efforts in attempting to transport it; sadly, it was too large for her car as well, and a special thank you to Galin Georgiev for going above and beyond to pick it up and safely deliver it to school. The students really enjoyed it!

We had the opportunity of finally using our overhead projector this week, which has been a great resource for investigating light, color, and shapes. This new addition to our classroom has made it possible for the students to participate in plenty of learning experiences.

Finally, I’m excited to share that we’ve chosen a song for our end-of-year program. Our class will perform “Barbara Ann,” a tribute to the Beach Boys. It’s going to be a great performance!

A few more pictures of our adventures this week 🙂

I am looking forward to another amazing week of fun and learning.

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